Help Center - TRUE

Help Center

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No app is needed. Next to each document is a verification button, which connects to Ethereum and verifies that the digital document has not been edited. Even 1 pixel off, will render an Error-message instead of the verification.
To verify a printed document simply use your smartphones camera. Today, almost every smartphone has built in software to recognize QR codes. Just hold the camera and let it find a focus on the QR code. It will open a browser on your phone and take you to the digital document which can then be compared to the printed one you just scanned.
We are available regular office hours, but you can email us anytime. We often respond promptly even after ‘regular hours’.
Yes, we do offer some specials for non-profits and EDU’s, feel free to reach out.
We also give a discount if you pay for a year upfront instead of monthly payments.
Yes – just send us your original Indesign or illustrator files and we will implement them as is, or with your permission add an animation to make them look more modern.

If you want an upgrade to your current design you can send us your brand guidelines and we can create something great for you.

Design is the one thing that takes a little time to get right. We want you and your customers (recipients) to love your documents, so we feel it’s worth putting the extra effort. With that said, we can have design done in a day or tow if you have a clear view of the end result. 

You can see how much traffic is generated from which channel, like Linkedin, FB, IG, Email, Whatsapp and more, on individual documents as well as for all of them. You can connect your own Google Analytics as well as add FB pixels to documents.


Move your company away from PDF and paper, which use up valuable time and resources.
Add real value to official documents with a blockchain-secured TRUE original seal.