TRUE original documents - Secure digital documentation.

TRUE Frontpage English

Send Secure Digital​

Deliver custom documents that are impossible to lose, steal or falsify.

Transform your certificates into powerful, secure, and verifiable assets—beautifully designed, loved, and shared. All while being better for the environment.

Trusted by Companies, National Associations & Institutions.

Remove expensive admin.

Organisations save 100's of hours yearly by automating the process of distributing diplomas & certificates.
Customer Support by Swedish coworkers.

Modern, smart and secure.

Recipients value TRUE Certificates many times higher than paper & Pdf documents because of the built in security, exceptional design, and smart traceability.

Beautiful organic branding.

Gain new organic traffic worth 1,000 - 15,000 EUR each month. Animated certificates highlight your brand in a powerful way.

Manage every aspect of your Diplomas & Certificates.

Create, send and store in one smooth action.

TRUE connects with your CRM or LMS. Or, you can simply upload your participants using Excel or Csv files. See file-upload, preview, and issue in the video.

TRUE make it easy, fun and powerful to issue documents.

Work smarter.
Look better.
Increase visibility.
Build trust.

Organisations are genuinely surprised with how much they have to gain from an upgrade to TRUE documents.
Stop wasting time administering paper and Pdf certificates.

Take our quiz to unlock your value.

Berghs post

Stop wasting paper and remove boring admin.

Get stats and figures on how much your organisation can help the environment. 
Its so easy to upgrade to digital documentation that you’ll wish you started a long time ago.

LinkedIn: Nr 1 for professionals

Sharing a Diploma is a perfect way to promote oneself, without sounding like you’re bragging. It helps to show that you care about your profession; it helps to connect with likeminded, to get endorsements, and more.

Using TRUE, these posts also help the Organisations who issue Certificates. This video shows a live example of a search on LinkedIn, which can be done per issuing Organisation (to showcase their Recipients only). 

TRUE documents offer a fantastic way to create organic Branding and Marketing, as every click leads to your webpage.

TRUE creates word-of-mouth-marketing on the web.


TRUE Reviews

Here's why leading organisations choose TRUE:

"Entrepreneur of the Year takes hundreds of hours annually and all support means a lot. TRUE has saved a ton of time both for me and my colleagues. Since we issue a large number of diplomas, it will also be a more environmentally friendly solution."

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Isabel Bergström Stacey Project Manager, EY

"After ten years of sending out diplomas and course certificates as PDFs via email, we were ready for a better system. Now everything is made via Salesforce which automatically sends the data to TRUE. With TRUE's system, Berghs delivers all certificates with a much higher level of quality & safety, meeting our students expectations. It’s easy for graduates to publish certificates to several channels - which helps them market themselves while also promoting Berghs."

Mats Lundqvist CTO, Berghs School of Communication

"The digital tools from TRUE have greatly improved our Diploma Programs regarding administration, security, and most importantly the participant experience."

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Frida Palmgren Managing Director, BFAB & STF

"We work hard to be the most innovative Dental Care company in the Nordics. It's vital for us to always push for better ways to deliver great care, and to invest in our coworkers - our greatest assets.

Niklas Virta CEO, Aqua Dental

“With the help of TRUE, setting up our concept Proof of Business took eight weeks.
We have just been given a government assignment to investigate this in a second phase. In this step we will focus on Licenses, Trademark Certificates, Company Registrations etc. But if we look a little further ahead, it can definitely be possible to use the technology for much more.”

bolagsverket ikon
Erika Sjödin Innovation Officer, Bolagsverket

Finally - digital LGBTQi certificates 🏳️‍🌈 !
Thank you for a great collaboration TRUE. This solution means that Certified Companies can publish a Badge on a website, in email signatures, and on Social Media. When clicked, it leads to our animated digital Certificates. Employees can easily share Certificates on social profiles. ❤️

RFSL Learning & Education RFSL

“PDF's are simply not secure.
And, we save a ton of administrative work!”

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Peter Hampus CTO, Nackademin

“We started with our sister company Employer Branding Academy, and quickly saw the possibilities. We are now implementing TRUE for all our 20,000 badges and Diplomas in 40 countries for Universum. Our process used to take many hours from team members around the world. Now it's a matter of minutes."

Jonas Barck Global CMO, Universum

"For us, its only natural to collaborate with the player in secure document management that has the highest quality, and stands for world-class security."

Matti Olofsson CEO, OneMore Secure

"SSF offer extensive training in Security to our customers, both physically and digitally. It has been particularly important for us to be able to ensure that our Proofs of Education, in the form of Certificates and Diplomas are correct and secure."

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Maria Dahlstedt Program Manager, SSF

Thank you for your support and great cooperation TRUE💙
Your help contributes to our work for an equal world, free from violence and discrimination against women and girls.

Louise Waller Acting Operations Manager, UN Women Sweden

Amazing. I tip my hat for your design TRUE!
It was really fun to be able to give Blockchain-secured diplomas to the winners of HACK FOR SÖDERTÄLJE.
This is the next level!

Anthony Mccarrick Digitization Strategist, Södertälje Kommun

“This is absolutely brilliant!
A thousand thank yous !!”

Tania Sjöberg Learning & Development, Skanska

"Our alumnae’s now have nice looking Diplomas in an accessible format, but we also see great marketing value! Thanks for a great product!"

Sissel Gade Head of Operations, AW Academy

“We are very happy with our work with TRUE Original.
Their technology let our customers get lots of positive attention."

Read Case Study

Martin Hägerdal CEO, Kvalprak

"It's awesome working with TRUE !
Things move fast, I like that !"

Ludvig Ceimertz CEO, Returab

"A clear advantage of our new digital certificates is how easily they can be added as a reference to Linkedin or a digital CV. The ease of use and verifiability creates trust!"

Lina Fjäll Chief Customer Officer, Astrakan

"Thanks TRUE!
Incredible to work with you to realise our fully accredited NED Academy Certificates!"

Roei Samuel CEO, Connectd

"A big step in our digitalisation-journey was to offer participants a new type of upgraded Diploma after completed course programs - whose authenticity is secured through blockchain, with the help of the Swedish service TRUE. These modern and stylish educational certificates can easily be shared on LinkedIn and other digital channels."

John Sundström Founder, Webbdagarna Academy & IDG Academy

Now we're taking the Diplomas into the future!
A prospective employer can easily control origin and authenticity of the Certificates -which is of value generally, but particularly important when it comes to the Security sector.

Tomas Devenyi Security Consultant, Ancoris Security

"The animation looks fantastic, and its so simple for our recipients. It has made things much easier for us at Sitevision with the digital certificates."

Jessica Adolfsson Customer Success Manager, Sitevison

No more forged certificates or fake invoices.

-Thousands of people falsify educational records.
-Billions of dollars are claimed with fake invoices.
-Sales occur ever day using fake Certificates of Ownership.

Falsified documents affect thousands of people everyday.
But, we can change that together.

7 Billion

The market for falsified diplomas worth is 7B USD worldwide. 


‘Diploma-Mills’ operating worldwide; with the sole purpose of selling fake diplomas. 


The number of falsified documents goes up exponentially each year.
(US Chamber of Commerce)


86% of Americans admit to lying on their resume

What will you gain from using TRUE?

Save time? Grow awareness? Build trust? Be sustainable?
Take our quiz to find out what your company can benefit from upgrading to TRUE.

Talk to a digitalisation expert.

We’ve helped schools to save time and resources;
companies to create valuable organic traffic;
-and government agencies to get new business intelligence.

Peter Hampus
Peter Hampus, CIO, Nackademin College

Why is TRUE such an important tool within Education?

“A normal year, we’d spend a minimum of two weeks issuing certificates and diplomas. With this new digitized platform, we save a ton of time and we can guarantee the authenticity of each diploma. PDF’s are simply not secure.
Plus, we have already seen a significant amount of increased traffic to our website coming from students who share their diplomas online.” 

Peter Hampus, CIO
Nackademin College

Recipients prefer TRUE documents

+500 000




+6,5 M €

Value of traffic

Press play to discover how to save Time, gain Traffic and build Trust.

“We are entering an era of AI and automation. It will become increasingly difficult to know what is real. With TRUE, we can ensure that all important documents and credentials are genuine and verifiable. That goes for your Medical Diploma, your Certificates, Licenses, Land Titles and Invoices. If we make this switch as a society – everybody wins. The only losers will be criminals.”

Patrik Slettman

TRUE Award

Every year, we award organizations that have saved the most trees by changing their physical diploma-management to TRUE.

Documents become smart, beautiful,  and easy to manage in digital form. Its simply better. With the added benefit of saving the environment there’s really no reason not to upgrade. 

In Europe, we use around 80 kilos of paper per inhabitant, which equals around 56 million trees every year, just for paper.

We want to highlight those actors who are quick to change. Because we need to do better for the environment. And we need more trust.


Since your document is published online, you can save the link by adding it to social media platforms like LinkedIn by clicking the icons next to it.

You can link to it from a digital CV or Word document.

You can save the link as a bookmark on your phone or computer, and you can download the document as a PDF.

Its convenient to keep the email with the link to your document in a special folder for easy access.

You can log in by clicking “Log in” below the document. Confirm the email you received the document with, and follow the instructions to change your email, add a photo, or modify privacy settings.

You can easily send/share your digital document by clicking the icons next to it. You can also add it under education or certification on LinkedIn, as needed.

You can download the document as a PDF or video, save it to apps or files, or print it on paper.

Log in by clicking “Sign in” below the document. Click on “Privacy settings” to modify your document’s settings, set a password, or hide it from search engines.

TRUE documents are secured with Blockchain technology, and can be verified as authentic. This inherently makes each documents issued with TRUE more valuable, and infinitely more reliable than paper and pdf. 

Anyone can verify a TRUE document by clicking the button next to a document (on the web), or by scanning the QR code that appears on the document when it is printed on paper.

You easily scan the QR-code with any smartphone camera. No app is required.

Some documents come with an Emblem, a so-called ‘Badge’.

The Badge is a small representation of the document and can be added to a website or in an email signature.

You will find the Badge below your document (when the document has a Badge). There are links next to the Badge explaining how to add it to a website or in an email signature.

At TRUE, we want Issuers and their customers (Recipients) to love the documents, so we feel it’s worth putting an extra effort into design.

With that said, we can have a design done in a day or two if you have a clear view what you want, or if you have a ready PDF/ InDesign or Illustrator file. 

Yes – simply send us your Indesign or illustrator files and we will implement them as is, or add an animation to make them look more modern.

If you want an upgrade to your current design just send us your brand guidelines and we will create something great for you.

You can see how much traffic is generated from which channel, like Linkedin, FB, IG, Email, Whatsapp and more, on individual documents as well as for all of them.

You can connect your own Google Analytics and add FB pixels to documents.

We are available office hours, but you can email us anytime. We often respond promptly even ‘after hours’.

Yes, for non-profits and certain EDU’s. You can pay monthly, quarterly or yearly. 


Since your document is published online, you can save the link by adding it to social media platforms like LinkedIn by clicking the icons next to it.
You can link to it from a digital CV or Word document.
You can save the link as a bookmark on your phone or computer, and you can download the document as a PDF.
Its convenient to keep the email with the link to your document in a special folder for easy access.
You can log in by clicking “Log in” below the document. Confirm the email you received the document with, and follow the instructions to change your email, add a photo, or modify privacy settings.

You can easily send/share your digital document by clicking the icons next to it. You can also add it under education or certification on LinkedIn, as needed.
You can download the document as a PDF, save it to apps or files, or print it on paper.

Log in by clicking “Log in” below the document. Confirm the email you received the document with, and follow the instructions to change privacy settings, change email, add a photo, or view your document statistics.

Next to your digital document, there’s a button: VERIFY. Click on it to check the issuer, document type, recipient, etc.
If you’ve downloaded your document as a PDF, there will be a QR code on it. If the document is printed on paper, you can verify its authenticity by scanning the QR code, using a regular smartphone camera. Then compare the printed paper with the digital document displayed on your phone after scanning the QR code.

Want to build real trust?

Trusted by Institutions, Companies, National Associations and Government Agencies.