Vi fick ett roligt snack med Christopher Bernestrå, Effektiviseringskonsult på Effektiv Nu - TRUE

We had a fun talk with Christopher Bernestrå, Efficiency Consultant at Effektiv Nu

Tell us about yourself and what you do at Effektiv Nu:

I have a background in engineering and love to optimize and curiously bring about change in symbiosis with people and technology. At Effektiv Nu, I am the Development Manager and training leader, which means I constantly need to be attentive to emerging technologies and work methodologies.

What’s the most exciting or new thing happening at your company this autumn/winter?

We are celebrating our 10th anniversary and will have something called “Effektiv Nu Week” from November 13th to 17th. It will be packed with inspirational lectures that everyone can attend! Topics like AI, new outlook/teams, and how organizations can create internal traffic rules for people physically/hybrid/remote will be covered.

Your certificates and diplomas; How did you handle them before TRUE?

We sent out certificates as PDFs to those who needed and wanted them, not as a standard for everyone completing our courses, which was a drawback. Since we have upwards 3000 participants per year, the administration of manually creating diplomas was an administrative challenge.

And what about today?

I appreciate the dynamic design of the diplomas. They look very professional. The ease of sending them is a significant advantage!
It’s also fascinating to see statistics on participants sharing their diplomas across different platforms.

How do you see this type of technology developing?

Owning one’s digital diploma in a unique original is very much in line with the times and what we are trying to create at Effektiv Nu. I believe the demand for this will grow.

In 2013, Mansur (Manne) Köyluoglu started Effektiv Nu after struggling with work-related stress for several years. Manne made the decision to change careers and began searching for a smarter way to work.
Today their mission is to inspire people to succeed with change, and to achieve a sustainable work life. This has been our goal since the start and Effektiv Nu work with a range of companies in different markets.

If you are looking to work smarter with tech in focus, Effektiv Nu kan help. You can reach Christoffer and his team at

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