The leading platform for digital Diplomas, Certificates, Awards and Credentials.

How it started.
I can be absent-minded and distracted. Since I’ve was little, I’ve misplaced and forgotten items that most people view as important; ID’s, Licenses. Diplomas. My wallet..
I’ve gone to the airport without a Passport more times than I’d like to admit. I’ve missplaced important receipts, and I lost my Vehicle Registration documents for the first car I owned in United Stated, where I attended College.
But, enough about me. My friends are clumsy too! I’ve stood on the beach with buddies on a diving trip, 4000 miles aways from home, and they couldn’t do what they came for, because they left their plastic divers-license back in a freezing Stockholm. I’ve waved goodbye to a friend on the China border, because he forgot his Visa. And from almost everyone at I know age of 35 and over, I hear the same thing: “I don’t even know where my College Degree is.. I think maybe my moms’ got it somewhere”.
As far as forgeries go, I’ve been exposed to the normal stuff. Fake invoices. People who lie on Resumes. Fake IDs (which had their upside). I once had a guy put a Police Badge in my face, claiming to be an officer.
Then, there’s the problem with outright theft of physical documents; I’ve seen my buddys car-window smashed, because someone wanted his handicap-sticker which was sitting on the dashboard. Another friend had a Rolex Certificate of Authenticity stolen, which immediately made his timepiece worth 30% less.
All these occurrences have 1 thing in common; there was never an easy fix. Some problems took months to rectify, at a great cost. Some couldn’t be fixed at all. And every single one were a total pain in the a$$.
Meanwhile, the era of AI is all around us. Everything is smart and digital. But, for some reason NOT these important certificates and credentials. They’re still paper, plastic or pdf’s. And as such: Impossible to verify. Easy to lose. Simple to destroy and falsify.
A long time ago, kings would stamp documents with a wax-candle to ensure the content was intact, meaningful, and read by the intended party. For hundreds of years after this, we stopped caring about the importance of document integrity. We did pretty much nothing to keep documents secure and verifiable.
At TRUE we believe that this makes no sense. We want minimise waste. End forgeries. Stop theft.
We want everyone to care about the integrity of documents, and ultimately create trust in using them. So we did something about it.
And, we’ve made it super easy for organisations to benefit from the change. Join us! The more of us that change, the better it is. Trust moves mountains.

New technology helped us solve everyday problems.
In early 2019, TRUE’s founders were working on a software for a client, when an idea was ignited; “if we secure the metadata (the letters and numbers) of digital documents in blockchain, they will become impossible to falsify”.
-Wait, documents that cannot be forged? Everybody wants that! We were hooked.
We learned. Tested. Listened. And built the TRUE platform. With the help of clients, we continued to learn and get better.
One thing is for sure; without blockchain, TRUE would not be possible.
Before blockchain, the idea of offering secure and verifiable true original documents would have only been trusted to “the big tech” – companies.
Now, trust is built in to the platform. Trust is really the reason we exist. Trust makes everything easier, faster and smoother.
Our team.
We are based in Stockholm and consist of fantastic Developers, Communicators, Digital Specialists and engaged Customer Success personel.
We are here to make your collaboration with us as easy and fun as possible, and create the most value for you.

TRUE Award.
Every fall, we award a digital prize to the organizations that have saved the most trees by switching their physical document management to TRUE.
In Europe, we use around 80 kilos of paper per inhabitant. That equals 56 million trees yearly to make paper for Europe alone.
Thats millons of trees which cannot absorb carbon dioxide. And its totally avoidable. There is technology which is better in every way, and we wish to draw attention to all who exchange their printed documents for a digitally secure alternative.
Trust is at the heart of everything we do.
Let's be authentic and honest in a world full of fake news and missinformation.
Security is our highest priority. Once a TRUE original document is published and secured in blockchain, it cannot be altered.
Click to read about Data Security.
Our new standard for official documents let organisations protect and authenticate all kinds of achievements.
We are always learning, and we strive to be best in class, for our customers, and as well as their Recipients.
All the information we help secure is traceable. Our clients are vetted and ready to explain why a Recipient has received a document with any assertion.
Our technology make documents something new; something smarter. Issuer control the documents origin and history, and collect valuable data for business intelligence throughout its lifetime. Recipients are in full control of their document's visibility and use.
We will always do our utmost to make our clients happy. We help them build trust, gain traffic, save time, and more. Our technology is built for long-term relationships.
(The New York Times)
(US Chamber of Commerce)

Your Certificates and Credentials are important extensions of your brand; and your organisation.
Our technology can give you a multitude of advantages which can never be achieved with paper or pdf.
Reach out to discuss your digital strategy, and the advantages of issuing TRUE original documents.
we'll take if from here.
Our clients automatically generate and issue completely secure and verifiable certificates, diplomas, awards; and gain a ton of new value from the new technology.
Upgrade from paper and PDF today.