Case studies
Cases & Friends
Discover how organisations save time, grow their web-traffic, and build trust, by issuing blockchain-secured TRUE Original Documents.

“We are experiencing greater Brand exposure since switching to TRUE digital certificates, which is fantastic!”
Please tell us about yourself and what you do at your HLR Professionals: I’m Klara Axén, 27 years old.Klara Axén, Administrator & Sales Representative.

“We use technology to help facilitate our administrative services; we chose TRUE because it’s very easy to manage our diplomas with them.”
Tell us about yourself and Birth Without Fear, Heidi: My name is Heidi Karikumpu, and besides being a childbirth educator, doula, and prenatal yoga teacher,

“A major advantage of TRUE is that it’s so easy for students to effortlessly showcase their new skills. Neat and secure.”
Nordisk Näringcenter provide comprehensive and sustainable education in nutrition and dietary science. They offer trainings, courses, and lectures for beginners, as well as for those

”I work as a system manager, focusing on the streamlining of processes, and ensuring high quality”
Hi, please tell us about yourself and your role! I’m Ann-Louise Rubin, and I work at TUC College as the system manager, which involves, among

“TRUE’s diplomas have been crucial for us, and for our students”
Hi Erik. whats your role at Vinkällan? Hi, I’m the principal at Vinkällan Beverage Education, the largest sommelier training institute in the Nordic region. I

Jenny Sundborg, National Coordinator at the Vocational College Association in Sweden
Jenny, what’s your role at the National Association for Vocational Collages? I work as the National Coordinator for the organization, essentially managing the organisation. What

“We have three exciting new programs that have just started: Customs Specialist, Growth Marketing, and Content Marketing.”
Please tell us about yourself and what you do at SIH (Stockholm International Business School) Hi! My name is Isabella Larsson, and I am part

“Before TRUE, issuing certificates and diplomas took a very long time and occupied a significant amount of space in our storage.”
Jouko, tell us briefly about yourself and your role at your school please: My name is Jouko Juvonen, and I am the founder and CEO

“This winter, we launch new certification trainings for safety representatives. Participants will receive certificates via TRUE”
We talked with Jonas Gustafsson, Education Manager, Arbetsmiljöforum by Metodicum I work at Arbetsmiljöforum/Metodicum. I develop and organize everything related to our occupational health and

4 parks, 1000’s of employees, and 10’s of thousands Diplomas & Certificates
We spoke to Alexandra Olsson, Education Manager at Parks & Resorts, Sweden’s largest operator of Amusement Parks TRUE allow us at Parks & Resorts to

“I love that TRUE is always responsive, quick, and updated with the latest technological developments.”
Please briefly tell us about yourself and what you do at your company. I am the founder of Distanslära and also handle the day-to-day operations

“I really like the efficiency of TRUE, it relieves our staff of tedious work”
Ali, tell us a little about yourself and what you do at your YA Academy. My name is Ali Feizabadi, and I work as the

“Our participants become ambassadors for us and our programs”
Anna, tell us about yourself and what you do at NyTeknik Education. I am Anna Sidén, and I work as product developer and project

We had a fun talk with Christopher Bernestrå, Efficiency Consultant at Effektiv Nu
Tell us about yourself and what you do at Effektiv Nu: I have a background in engineering and love to optimize and curiously bring about

“With TRUE, I don’t rely on colleagues for design or administration. I handle everything with a few clicks”
Eva, tell us yourself and what you do at Employer Branding Academy! My name is Eva Carlson, and I am the Product Owner for the

“Scandic hotel’s decision to certify all hotels in Sweden feels both exciting and honorable”
Please tell us about yourself and what you do at your Safe Hotels. I’m Joachim Törngård. After 17 years in the Swedish Armed Forces as

“No chain is stronger than its weakest link”
We spoke to Matti, CEO and Founder of One More secure. Matti has had a long career within technology, supply chain and security. Matti, please

“Our certificates have gained a professional, modern look with high-quality design”
Please tell us briefly about yourself and what you do at Utbildningsföretagen. My name is Johan Winsborn, and I am the Quality and Accreditation Manager

“Invest in trusting your employees”
Great Place To Work® is a global leader in workplace culture. Their mission is to help every workplace become a great workplace for all. They

“I believe the value of secure documents will increase in the future.”
We spoke with Andreas Degerfeldt, Företagsekonomiska Institutet (FEI), a well established and known provider of business education in Sweden. Please tell us briefly about

Hbtqi-certified; “for workplaces on the forefront”
Being able to be yourself should be a given for everyone, but unfortunately, the reality looks different. An hbtqi certification is a way to change

Berit Friman, CEO at Dale Carnegie Training, Sweden
Please tell us briefly about yourself and what you do at Dale Carnegie. As CEO, I am responsible for Dale Carnegie’s operations in Sweden. What

Sweden’s first verifiable certificates for the Beauty Industry; helping patients feel safe
A new law went into affect in Sweden In July of 2021. The new law regulates who may perform various types of cosmetic procedures. The

For a stronger civil society
Giva Sverige is an organization based in Sweden that works to promote and support philanthropy throughout the nation. Their mission is to increase the level

Attention worth well over $25,000 -by upgrading to secure digital Certificates
Styrelseakademien, established in 1991, is an independent non-profit association that has become Sweden’s leading organisation for professional development of Company Owners, Board Members, and Corporate

Atea, Microsoft and AI Sweden organize AI-Hackathon – to strengthen Swedish welfare
May 16th, at Microsoft’s office in Stockholm, municipal employees from across the country are invited to explore ways to utilize the potential of next-generation AI;

Nod Coding Bootcamp: Empowering Autonomous Coders with TRUE Secured Certificates
Nod Coding Bootcamp was founded in 2020 at Norrsken Foundation in Stockholm, and has rapidly established itself as a leading institution for its immersive 10-week

Universum automatically distributes over 10,000 Diplomas per year with TRUE
Universum, a world-leader within Employer Branding For over 30 years, Universum has been a trusted partner of many of the world’s best-known employers. As a

Safe Cert Group adds new security into their Certification Programme with TRUE original
Safe Cert Group have increased the level of security with certificates which are impossible to lose, destroy or falsify. … Read More

Evaluating Blockchain & Web3 for Business, and Government use
TRUE has helped institutions, corporations and government agencies start using -and evaluating blockchain, by integrating our custom platform for blockchain-secured official documents. This Case digs