May 16th, at Microsoft’s office in Stockholm, municipal employees from across the country are invited to explore ways to utilize the potential of next-generation AI; to solve problems and strengthen national welfare.
Winners will receive Awards issued using TRUE’s technology for blockchain-secured, animated documents.
Sweden faces several challenges that affect welfare in our society. These challenges include an aging population, sustainability issues, rapid technological development, security, and changing expectations from citizens and employees. The public sector needs to find new ways to deliver social services more efficiently to continue providing the welfare we are used to. By utilizing the potential of AI, we can create new solutions to strengthen our welfare.
“We need to work together to take advantage of the fantastic technical opportunities we have today, especially in generative AI, so that we can deliver more relevant services to our citizens. Together with the IT industry, municipal Sweden plays a crucial role in the development of taking the next step in AI and digitization,” says Anthony Mc Carrick, strategic advisor at Atea.
The theme is “From Idea to Prototype in 4 Hours.” During the event, participants will have the opportunity to be inspired, learn about innovation methods, and be guided from the creative idea stage to a finished prototype. AI experts from both Atea and Microsoft will be available to support and coach participants in order to jointly strengthen municipal Sweden through innovation.
“The development of AI represents new opportunities that will change society as we know it. The job market, education system, and welfare will all be affected. That municipal Sweden is engaging in AI development and exploring how technology can improve for our citizens is very positive and important for a continued competitive Sweden,” says Daniel Akenine, national CTO at Microsoft Sweden.

“AI Sweden’s mission is to accelerate the use of AI in Sweden, and to succeed requires strong commitment from many actors. This hackathon is a brilliant example of how several of AI Sweden’s partners come together to raise the level of knowledge and inspire good solutions for society,” says Martin Svensson, Co Director AI Sweden.
The Hackathon is open to all municipal employees, regardless of technical expertise, and there will be simple and effective innovation tools available to all participants. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to discover the power of OpenAI’s services such as ChatGPT and Dall-e.
-Learn simple and effective tools for innovation
-Solve problems together with others who see opportunities in the public sector
-Discover the power of OpenAI’s services such as ChatGPT and Dall-e
-Get coached by AI experts from Atea and Microsoft
-Expand your network within AI Agenda
-Learn about blockchain-secured documents with TRUE