“Safe Cert Group is all about People, Passion and Integrity. We’re now improving our internal processes by issuing blockchain-protected Certificates and Badges, securely verified with a click.”
-Joachim Törngård, President & CEO, Safe Cert Group.
Safety is something we wish we could take for granted. We want to know that all possible measures have been taken to ensure our well-being, so that we may focus on our business, or leisure time.
-At Safe Cert Group, we provide an independently verified Safety and Security Certification, a great way for businesses to ensure best practices, and to demonstrate commitment to these important matters.
“Our international team of experts are all from senior safety and security positions within multinational companies and/or senior positions within Military Special Forces or Police Special units, giving us a unique position within the industry, with unique competence across the board. We have now increased our own level of integrity, security and communication capabilities with certificates which are impossible to lose, destroy or falsify, together with TRUE Original” – Joachim.
Safe Cert Group certifies Standards to ensure Safety, Security and Hygiene – within multiple business sectors
The Safe Cert Standards are based on best practice and consistency, within each business sector in the local territory where the businesses are based.
The different Safety & Security Certifications include:
Safehotels was founded in Sweden in 2001 as the first independent, global Hotel Safety and Security Certification Company, and is today the leading provider with certified hotels across the world. In response to the ongoing global pandemic, Safehotels launched the CovidClean™ Certification in 2020, to independently verify Covid-19 health and hygiene standards in hotels across the world
Safecampus provides independent Safety & Security certification for University campuses, including student residential accommodation across the world. In response to the global pandemic, Safecampus launched the CovidClean™ Certification in 2020, to independently verify Covid-19 health and hygiene standards in University campuses; reassuring students and faculty that robust health and safety measures have been taken and continue to be adhered to for their maximum well-being.
Safecarehomes provides independent Safety & Security certification for Care and Retirement homes, ensuring a safe home for its residents.
In response to the ongoing global pandemic, Safecarehomes launched the CovidClean Certification™ in 2020 to independently verify Covid-19 health and hygiene standards in care homes, reassuring residents, staff and visitors that robust health and safety measures have been taken and continue to be adhered to for their maximum well-being.
Safeoffices provides independent Safety & Security certification for offices and all types of office buildings around the world.
To help reassure employees that they can return safely to their usual workplace, Safeoffices recently launched the CovidClean™ certification.
Safeschools was recently launched in 2021 to provide independent Safety, Security and CovidClean™ certification for all types of schools around the world.
Saferentals was launched in 2021 to provide independent Safety, Security and CovidClean™ certification for car-rental branches.
Following a successful pilot certification program in Mexico, Saferentals is ready for certification around the world.
Safeindustrialsites provides independent Safety & Security audit services for all types of industrial sites around the world, including reviewing and developing corporate internal Safety and Security standards.

The CovidClean™ Certification is based on WHO and CDC guidelines, verified by a leading virologist and includes standards relating to:
- Plans & Procedures
- Preventative Actions
- Training & Awareness
- Cleaning, Hygiene & Health
- Business Operations
- Suspected Cases, Response & Containment
- Covid Communications
“The spread of Covid-19 has been particularly rife in elderly care homes in Sweden since the start of the epidemic. It has exposed huge gaps in hygiene protocols and standards in the elderly care sector, with many caregivers desperately scrambling to plug holes and fight fires.
“We are glad to be able to help in any way we can in this awful state of affairs, and we believe this certification helps structure and systemize standards in cleanliness and hygiene for our customers” says Joachim Törngård, CEO Safe Cert Group.