Great Place To Work® is a global leader in workplace culture. Their mission is to help every workplace become a great workplace for all. They provide leaders and organizations with tools to create a consistently and overwhelmingly positive employee experience, which build cultures that drive business and improve communities.
We spoke with Emma N Stara, their CMO about news and opportunities this year.
Please tell us about yourself and what you do at your company.
Our latest data actually shows that profit margins can increase by as much as 435%! As a marketer, I spend a lot of time inspiring others on how to achieve this. For example, the importance of practicing what you preach, being receptive and communicative, and never, ever succumbing to micro-management, but instead, invest in trusting your employees.

Your GPTW-certificates; How did you handle them before TRUE?
And today, with this new digital document-technology?
Thanks Emma. What’s the most exciting or new thing happening at your company this fall/winter?
Earlier this year, we went live with an entirely new platform that makes it even easier for our customers to conduct digital employee surveys and work on their employer branding and workplace culture. We are following that up by launching an entirely new service: every Great Place To Work-certified customer will receive assistance from our employer branding manager in creating unique content to attract and retain their employees.
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