“We use technology to help facilitate our administrative services; we chose TRUE because it's very easy to manage our diplomas with them.” - TRUE

“We use technology to help facilitate our administrative services; we chose TRUE because it’s very easy to manage our diplomas with them.”

Tell us about yourself and Birth Without Fear, Heidi:

My name is Heidi Karikumpu, and besides being a childbirth educator, doula, and prenatal yoga teacher, I also handle administration for the established method “Föda Utan Rädsla” (Birth Without Fear).

Whats new and exciting at work?

The most exciting thing happening for us this winter is the launch of an evidence-based app for expectant parents, support persons, and healthcare providers. “The Early Labour app” has been evaluated in the independent research project “DIGI-EL” and offers simplified childbirth preparation, a contraction timer with guided audio prompts, and Q&A sessions answered by licensed midwives. The app also offers a premium version with additional features and the complete childbirth education course.

Nice! How do you handle diplomas?

Before TRUE, we handled everything manually. The biggest challenge was keeping things organized and creating attractive diplomas.It was time consuming.

What about lately, working with TRUE?

What I like most about the technology/management via TRUE is how incredibly easy it is to create a certificate or diploma; and, it feels very modern to be able to easily share certificates/diplomas digitally through platforms like LinkedIn and other social media. If anything unexpectedly goes wrong, TRUE also provides fantastic service and always helps to solve any problems!

Thank you Heidi!
Read more about Birth without Fear here: https://birthbyheart.com/

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