“We are experiencing greater Brand exposure since switching to TRUE digital certificates, which is fantastic!” - TRUE

“We are experiencing greater Brand exposure since switching to TRUE digital certificates, which is fantastic!”


Please tell us about yourself and what you do at your HLR Professionals:

I’m Klara Axén, 27 years old.Klara Axén, Administrator & Sales Representative. I live with my husband and 2 children in Motala, Sweden. At HLR Professionals, I am the jack of all trades, so to speak. I handle administration, some invoicing, marketing, certificates, and more. Besides my job at HLR Professionals, I also run my own business and sometimes photograph properties for sale, as well as weddings, maternity, children, and couples.

What is the most exciting or new thing happening at your company this winter?

Let’s just say we have an exciting project in the works, stay tuned.

About your certificates and diplomas; How did you manage them before TRUE?

After completing a training with us, you always receive a certificate. Before TRUE, our customers received the certificate on paper.

What were the biggest challenges in handling diplomas before TRUE?

Environmentally, it is definitely better to be able to send the certificates digitally, and it is easy for the customer to print it out if they want to hang it on the wall. We have found that we have gained greater brand exposure on social media since we started using digital certificates, which is fantastic! 

What do you like most about the technology/handling via TRUE?

It’s simple, fast, and efficient to deliver certificates to customers. So easy for them to use and share.

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