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Author Archives: TRUE

“I believe the value of secure documents will increase in the future.”

We spoke with Andreas Degerfeldt, Företagsekonomiska Institutet (FEI), a well established and known provider of business education in Sweden.   Please tell us briefly about yourself and what you do at FEI. I am the Quality and Development Manager for

Hbtqi-certified; “for workplaces on the forefront”

Being able to be yourself should be a given for everyone, but unfortunately, the reality looks different. An hbtqi certification is a way to change that by increasing your knowledge, improving your work environment, and at the same time ensuring

Berit Friman, CEO at Dale Carnegie Training, Sweden

Please tell us briefly about yourself and what you do at Dale Carnegie. As CEO, I am responsible for Dale Carnegie’s operations in Sweden. What is the most exciting or new thing happening at this autumn/winter? In addition to onboarding

Sweden’s first verifiable certificates for the Beauty Industry; helping patients feel safe

A new law went into affect in Sweden In July of 2021. The new law regulates who may perform various types of cosmetic procedures. The Inspectorate for Health and Wellness, Ivo, is the authority that has supervisory responsibility over companies

Activate Ambassador Marketing using TRUE digital credentials

‘Ambassador Marketing’ is sometimes referred to as ‘Influencer Marketing’ or ‘Brand Advocacy’. It is a marketing strategy where individuals promote a company’s products or services to their audience. It’s a risky business with lots of potential pitfalls, but at TRUE

For a stronger civil society

Giva Sverige is an organization based in Sweden that works to promote and support philanthropy throughout the nation. Their mission is to increase the level of private giving, as well as engagement, in charitable activities in Sweden. Giva Sverige acts

Attention worth well over $25,000 -by upgrading to secure digital Certificates

Styrelseakademien, established in 1991, is an independent non-profit association that has become Sweden’s leading platform for the professional development of owners, board members, and corporate executives. With over 8,000 members, Styrelseakademien is the second-largest board institute in Europe, fostering a

Atea, Microsoft and AI Sweden organize AI-Hackathon – to strengthen Swedish welfare

May 16th, at Microsoft’s office in Stockholm, municipal employees from across the country are invited to explore ways to utilize the potential of next-generation AI; to solve problems and strengthen national welfare. Winners will receive Awards issued using TRUE’s technology

5 of the worlds most infamous cases of FRAUD

While fraud cases are serious matters with significant consequences, there have been some instances that could be considered amusing due to their unusual nature or the audacity of the perpetrators. Some even defy common sense and leave us scratching our

Nod Coding Bootcamp: Empowering Autonomous Coders with TRUE Secured Certificates

Nod Coding Bootcamp was founded in 2020 at Norrsken Foundation in Stockholm, and has rapidly established itself as a leading institution for its immersive 10-week Data Analytics Bootcamp.  Students from diverse backgrounds and nationalities learn Python, SQL, and applied Machine